Thursday, October 4, 2012

Hire Full Time Professionals From India

Hire Full Time professionals at 1/3 rd cost.
A New Way to get your work done before time
As we are living in the age of Information Technologies. We are globly connected to each other through Internet. In the age of Information technology the best talent are available online. You can hire a professional on  1/3 cost in the same manner you hire the proffetional at your premessis. As you  engage in your bussiness we make your work done here at our place. you can hire any talent on any technoloy like PHP/MYSQL, Open Source Expert, JAVA Developer, best UI developer.While you enjoy the advantages of having full time personnel that works exclusively for you under the stringent process controlled environment at 3Stechnosolutions, feel free to take a break and track progress from wherever you are.
The best thing of hireing proffessional at 3stechnosolutions enviroment is you can hire more than 4 developer at the same cost you hire the proffesionla at your working enviroment. The same quality, Effecience, Quality of wok and support will be provided and backup of proffesionals will be available. The developers will work and be managed at our end in India -following directives from your end. Now you can recruit and hire individual employees or a team of programmers, software developers, coders and designers, who will work for you exclusively, on your project/s, on full time equivalent basis. skilled programmers coders

What We Do At Our End
  • Hiring / Firing / Retaining
  • Provide infrastructure and security.
  • Arrange interviews and selections.
  • Maintain the programmers on our payroll.
  • Attest programmer experience and credibility.
  • Ensure programmers presence and output.
  • Maintain auxiliary programmers to ensure backup and continuity.
  • Enforce defined coding standards and styles.
  • Provide daily/weekly progress reports.
What You Do At Your End
  • Select programmers from our talent pool.OR
  • Hire your own team of programmers – recruited through us.
  • Define coding standards and styles.OR
  • Proceed with coding standards and styles defined by us.
  • Delegate work to the programmers.
  • Communicate continuously.
  • Receive daily/ weekly updates.
  • Pay a fixed retainer to 3Stechnosolutions.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Online Payroll System

Online Payroll System:

We have Designed and developed a online payroll system which covers the all functionality.

Some payroll processing service providers offer Online Payroll system/ web based payroll system to facilitate web-based payroll processing. The employer can enter employee information on a secure web page, which feeds information directly to payroll processing service provider.

Web based Payroll Solution Features:

With Online payroll solutions, employer can:

* Update information easily.
* Access employee payroll reports & information in real-time.
* Store reoccurring transaction in payroll template form.
* Store employee information with numerous sorting options.
* Track void paychecks in order to eliminate tax liability.

In this Online Payroll System you don’t need to have and software. You only need the information of the employee in a excl sheet. There are two section:

1. Admin

2. Employee

In admin section what you can do?

* View Employees

* View Blocked Employees

* Create New Employee

* View Claims

* Export Investment Declaration

* List of Submitted

* Upload Salary Structure

* Approve Personal Details

* Upload Income Tax Report

* Change Password

* Upload Eligibility Records

In employee section What he can do?

Emplyee Section

* Employee can declare the Investment.

* Employee can view his/her PaySlip monthly.

* Employee can view Income Tax Report

* Employee can view and edits his or her Personal Details.

* Employee can Change Password.

* Employee can View and create his or her Claims.

* Survey

Benefits of Online Payroll Solution


Online Payroll System allows employer to maintain all the necessary data to manage payroll online. It also allows client to choose between numerous set-up & processing options of employee payment, from direct deposit to debit card.


Online payroll system ensures 24×7 availability, allowing authorized users any-time login capability. This eliminates scheduling & data-entry timing issues.


Online payroll system offer employees immediate access to information like salary history, paychecks information, etc. This eliminates the burden on the payroll administrator to answer any payroll queries.


Web based payroll systems utilize various security options like password protection, data encryption, and input confirmation to ensure authorized access.

Cost effectiveness

Online payroll system did not require any software installation or hardware investment, this minimizes initial setup and configuration activities as well as costs associated with it . In fact, Online payroll system it is possible to enter employee information and process first payroll within an hour.

Then Why are you waiting for, start your Online Payroll System.

For more Detail:



New Delhi

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Monday, January 18, 2010

Web Templates

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Price : $50
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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

New technologies coming to Web start-ups' rescue

By David Lawsky
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Web entrepreneurs are increasingly embracing new technologies from "cloud" computing to new computer languages to try and slash costs as investors disappear because of the recession.
Investors and entrepreneurs say cloud computing, new -- and free -- programing languages, open-source software, and use of the Internet to distribute and publicize products have made starting a company relatively inexpensive and will allow startups to ride out the credit crunch and recession.
"What you're talking about is life or death," said Drew Clark, director of strategy for IBM's venture capital group, speaking to Reuters on the sidelines of a business conference.
Venture capital investment dived 71 percent in January and is not expected to rebound for much of 2009.
"For the best of these companies, this could be the difference. If this had happened three years ago, they'd be gone," Clark said, adding that IBM advocates open source.
One much talked-about innovation is cloud computing -- using the Web to access programs and data at remote computer centers. That makes costly, long-term capital expenditure and storage unnecessary.
Persistent concerns about the security of data stored on remote servers and the dependability of external systems are offset by its economic advantages, entrepreneurs say.
"In 2005 we needed 10 to 20 times the money we need today. There was a certain amount that entrepreneurial intelligence couldn't get around. Somehow you had to pay that piper," said James Siminoff, chief executive of and Simulscribe, which changes phone messages into text.
A decade ago, Michael Eisenberg, a general partner with Benchmark Capital in Israel, recalls he had to pay $10,000 each for Sun Microsystems servers.
"Today if I want to start up, it takes me one hour and $50 and I can turn on my capacity from Amazon Web Services from anywhere in the world," Eisenberg said.
Some fledgling companies like Delve Networks are capitalizing on that trend, charging clients over $250 a month to host video on their websites. Delve itself owns little more than the personal computers used by its 20 employees.
Time is critical for start-ups because they burn cash every day. Hence the rise of streamlined programing languages such as this year's hit, Ruby.
Ruby is a free, open-source language that Siminoff's chief technology officer, Mark Dillon, said is so concise he can do in three lines of machine code what it took him 25 lines in Java, an older language. That speeds up program revisions.
Corporations have turned to offering free, open source software -- a boon for cash-strapped start-ups. Sun Microsystems, IBM and others give away software to attract developers and gain contracts.
Finally, Internet marketing allows start-ups to publicize their wares at a fraction the cost of more traditional marketing or advertising campaigns.
"There are all these social conventions about companies that assume they are very big expensive things," said Silicon Valley start-up guru Paul Graham, whose "Y Combinator" invests $10,000 to $20,000 into quick, ultra-cheap startups.
"It's just not true anymore."

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Email rush hour is 5pm Thursdays

The worst time to send an email is between 5pm and 6pm on Thursdays, research has found.

Web performance monitoring firm Epitiro said that an estimated seven per cent of emails are either severely delayed or lost altogether during this 'rush hour'.

This is due to the number of people using the web at that particular time, Epitiro said.

And it's not just the day of the week or time of day that can affect email delivery times - the time of year is also a factor too.

Epitiro found that in the autumn months, email delivery times got slower, with eight per cent taking longer than three minutes to arrive.

"Email delivery speed is a very important factor in internet communications, not least for the credibility of an online business," said Gavin John of Epitiro.

"When customers shopping online are told to await email confirmation of a purchase, they expect this to arrive in no more than a couple of minutes. If an email takes longer than three minutes to arrive, many customers will worry that something has gone wrong," Johns continued.

Google gives away free Web app security scanner

Google has released for free one of its internal tools used for testing the security of Web-based applications.

Ratproxy, released under an Apache 2.0 software license, looks for a variety of coding problems in Web applications, such as errors that could allow a cross-site scripting attack or cause caching problems.

"We decided to make this tool freely available as open source because we feel it will be a valuable contribution to the information security community, helping advance the community's understanding of security challenges associated with contemporary web technologies," wrote Google's Michal Zalewski on a company security blog.

Ratproxy -- released as version 1.51 beta -- is quick and less intrusive than other scanners in that it is passive and does not generate a high volume of attack-simulating traffic when running, Zalewski wrote. Active scanners can cause problems with application performance.

The tool sniffs content and can pick out snippets of JavaScript from style sheets. It also supports SSL (Secure Socket Layer) scanning, among other features.

Since it runs in a passive mode, Ratproxy highlights areas of concern that "are not necessarily indicative of actual security flaws. The information gathered during a testing session should be then interpreted by a security professional with a good understanding of the common problems and security models employed in web applications," Zalewski wrote.

Google has posted an overview of Ratproxy as well as a download link to the source code. Code licensed under the Apache 2.0 license may be incorporated in derivative works, including commercial ones, but the origin of the code must be acknowledged.

Weak web application security continues to embarrass companies, potentially causing the loss of customer or financial data.

A 2006 survey by the Web Application Security Consortium found that 85.57 percent of 31,373 sites were vulnerable to cross-site scripting attacks, 26.38 percent were vulnerable to SQL injection and 15.70 percent had other faults that could lead to data loss.

As a result, security vendors have moved to fill the need for better security tools, with large technology companies acquiring smaller, specialized companies in the field.

In June 2007, IBM bought Watchfire, a company that focused on Web application vulnerability scanning, data protection and compliance auditing. Two weeks later, Hewlett-Packard said it would buy SPI Dynamics, a rival of Watchfire whose software also looks for vulnerabilities in Web applications as well as performing compliance audits.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Google Earth’s Hidden Surprise: A Flight Simulator

We’ve always known that Google has wanted to challenge Microsoft’s desktop dominance in a number of areas, but to date we didn’t know that extended to gaming.

Hidden inside Google Earth is a secret Flight Simulator that takes full advantage of Google’s extensive satellite imagery.

To access the hidden feature, open Google Earth and hit Command+Option+A (note it must be capital A) or Ctrl+Alt+A if you’re using a Windows Machine.

The Google Earth Flight Simulator comes with two aircraft options, a F16 Viper and the more manageable SR22 4 seater. Players have the option of commencing the game from their current location in Google Earth or can pick from a list of pre-determined runways. Control instructions can be found here.

Overall the game play is fairly simple in terms of control, but the striking difference is flying over real pictures of locations. I took a quick flight from San Francisco International, headed North to the Golden Gate then turn back over the city before heading towards the Valley. It wasn’t perfect, but it was as good visually as the paid Microsoft Flight Simulator, and in terms of actually presenting real objects it was better.